Sabbagh's Blagh
The Software blog of a Development Journeyman

2023 Brag Sheet 🎉

December 21, 2023

tagged: brag, year

Strut like that chicken Thanks to Hulki Okan Tabak for making this photo available freely on unsplash 🎁

What did I do this year?

Big Highlights

• Launched Sabbagh Designs LLC; do not have any customers yet 😬

• Orchestrated a machine image Pipeline in OCI for one of our flagship products

• Became Product Team Lead 🎊


• Finished integrating env0 into our IaC deployment pipeline. Has been a HUGE success for deployments.


• Started splitting time with the second of our team's flagship products

• Started playing with Framer motion and integrating it into and


• Had eye-opening discussion with fellow engineer on career trajectory and work satisfaction. I'll never forget that conversation, Rocketman!


• Finished UI for sabbagh designs

• Shot my shot at first potential sabbagh designs client, did not succeed. But at least I tried.


• Took on a two-week side gig for a company friend on some Azure work. Was pretty fun! I created an AD Domain Forest.


• Spawned a new process (i.e. our family welcomed another baby)


• Finishing the OCI Stack Deployment for one of our products (hope to finish a post about this before the end of the year.)

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