Sabbagh's Blagh
The Software blog of a Development Journeyman

Useful Terraform Things

April 29, 2022, updated January 3, 2023

tagged: terraform

reminder Thanks to @absolutvision for making this photo available freely on unsplash 🎁

Here's a running list of terraform tips & tricks I've amalgamated.

Hope they are helpful to ya.

Remove multiple resources at a time

If you want to remove all resources that match a certain pattern, here's a way to do it.

terraform state rm $(terraform state list | grep <your-pattern>)

This comes in handy when removing nested Azure resources, as child elements have their parent's resource type in their resource id.

Remove a resource by fully-qualified name

To remove a specific resource, you can do:

terraform destroy -target RESOURCE_TYPE.NAME

Note that the RESOURCE_TYPE must be fully-qualified, i.e.

terraform destroy -target azurerm_storage_blob.blob_for_bob

Display detailed information on a resource

To show a resource's detailed information, first find the fully-qualified name:

terraform state list | grep -i tls

You'll get back soemthing like:


Then, simply apply the show subcommand to it:

terraform state show tls_private_key.One_Key

Which will show you everything on that resource:

# tls_private_key.One_Key:
resource "tls_private_key" "One_Key" {
    algorithm                     = "RSA"
    ecdsa_curve                   = "P224"
    id                            = "165f5d816712d79923788e8ad42b17de3d8fe5d4"
    private_key_openssh           = (sensitive value)
    private_key_pem               = (sensitive value)
    private_key_pem_pkcs8         = (sensitive value)
    public_key_fingerprint_md5    = "9d:e3:f5:d5:3e:d4:4b:aa:af:93:cd:bb:90:53:60:a1"
    public_key_fingerprint_sha256 = "SHA256:CzK6Sodr7nyRezgDBgT/irERCWsd/0EHPtZod/ppVzw"
    public_key_openssh            = <<-EOT
        ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKTcfISmNEa9OYml56eo8BCcXO1hafRKENxCsarE2hEYyarwpaLwghXLbPPmIuuQQybirmxNsP3mfQG+odxqEfbWgWpyi/bjJM9gYQI1cXJWPC9ytNqKDepZN9rGgbCnqSxTBWRIVvYCxZ76KzCviHUAk7HOCIfgjUOcuIMt5uFqa9wj4pt1aeH6pPGacpcCb4WyTXXJMGJtwYLG3SlQ8LVogbFboELV3SsRrQCKNguCwzv1s8CgWdnCvVH8UxH9shD93h1DT/FdWZEYS6AK6w3sa/qNV07LY3L0Y/O0/DSBOHw8N/JeFE/CNv2VRdFzcOQuAMMMWhtEjDbqqcQSBh
    public_key_pem                = <<-EOT
        -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    rsa_bits                      = 2048

Allow for different platforms to touch the same workspace

This command will tell your lock file (.terraform.lock.hcl) to store the hashes for more than just your platform:

terraform providers lock -platform=windows_amd64 -platform=darwin_amd64

This github thread talks about it in more detail.

More to come as I find them!

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